Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Choosing to Forget.

It's true what they say about the way that only you can love your baby(ies).  They are, without a doubt, the two things we look forward to most in the morning and in the evening.  We love their little noses, their rolls, their chunk, their different personalities.

4-5 months is the age we ALL think of when we think of having a baby.  Even our doctor said it.  We tend to skip over the first 3 months and move to the smiles, cooing, rolling, and laughing.  However, those first 3 months of parenthood and babyhood are rough.  They are filled with screams and cries where nothing seems to work.  They are defined by "up all night" and sleep deprivation.  There is the learning process of breastfeeding that can bring even the strongest women to their breaking point.  Those first 3 months there is not even a thought of having another baby because WHO WOULD BE SO STUPID?

But then 4 months hits and this blinder comes over you.  You start to think that this isn't so bad.  You could possibly do this again.  Right?  RIGHT?! Let us not forget what those first 3 months are like when looking at adorable pictures (see below - courtesy of Adam Sharp) or getting that coveted gigglefest from your little one.  I cannot predict the future and what it holds for our family...I just know that Ethan and I have given this scenario some serious thought recently as the days and nights get easier and we start to forget those earlier times.  So, here's to all those moms and dads that said "lets do this again"...you brave, brave souls.

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